Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Public Health Policy Occupational Safety

Question: Examine about the Public Health Policy Occupational Safety. Answer: Depiction of the Policy The title of the strategy picked for this task is Public Health Policy Occupational Safety. The motivation behind the new approach is to expand on the references known as Australian DOJ for ill-conceived procedures. Any prosecution petitioned for word related wellbeing and security infringement can refer to the arrangement for equity and lawful activity. The diggers of the 21st century appreciate more medical advantages contrasted with their partners in the nineteenth century. Be that as it may, more changes should be acquainted with guarantee that Australia is among the main five nations in the mining segment. An industry which doesn't deal with its workers can't flourish. Excavators are presented to perils of various sorts (Mudd, 2007). In that capacity, a general wellbeing strategy word related security should be set up to smooth out the tasks in the mining division. Many legal disputes identified with mining have been tossed out because of absence of legitimate dock in government strategies. This will change a great deal with the execution of this arrangement. The arrangement will give legitimate reason for development of the working conditions in the mining locales to diminish preventable wounds and diseases among excavators. Furthermore, representatives working in the production lines to process minerals in the wake of mining will be ensured by this arrangement. Significance of the Policy in Health Wellbeing and security of the workforce are fundamental segments for any association with an objective to run its tasks easily. Wellbeing and security comprise some portion of the workplace. A decent workplace must help the laborers and as such must be liberated from avoidable mishaps. Wellbeing suggests the general government assistance. It envelops both substantial prosperity just as enthusiastic and mental wellbeing. Security surmises to the means taken in thinking about the physical prosperity of all people at the work place. It might include diminishing the danger of mishaps activated due by broken hardware, destructive synthetic concoctions or mines collapsing (Li et al., 2014). The HR divisions in the mining associations will be accused of the task of guaranteeing that the privileges of laborers concerning wellbeing and security are not disregarded. Driven by the director, the HR division will be entrusted with the coordination of wellbeing conventions to ensure the soundness of the laborers. Furthermore, guaranteeing workers know about the Public Health Policy Occupational Safety of the organization through formal and wellbeing preparing is required to guarantee smooth usage of the arrangement. The senior faculty at the departmental levels will be entrusted with maintaining safe working conditions through showing others how its done. This strategy is in accordance with the International Labor Organization (ILO) guidelines that request administrations, offices and civilities in the region of the working spot empower the representatives to work in a sound and helpful condition. It advocates treatment of representatives with nobility to guarantee high fulfill ment. Sound and upbeat representatives mean effectiveness and high efficiency at work (Baggott, 2010). The policys government assistance plan will incorporate everything accomplished for the comfort and consolation of a sound workplace as one of the principle inspirations other than cash. Government assistance helps in protecting the self-assurance and motivation of the workers along these lines profiting the organization and the representatives. Workers who remain in the organization longer get acquainted with the wellbeing and security conventions set up contrasted with new representatives. They are typically completely mindful of systems to be followed on the off chance that there is a break of wellbeing and security guidelines (Shandro et al., 2011). The strategy is upholding for improved planning and authorization of working environment wellbeing intends to check or minimalize the misfortune and mischief actuated to representatives and property by decreasing the danger of modern mishaps. What's more, the representative government assistance projects can event extensive ramifications in reserve funds, intensified efficiency and supporting advantageous relations among workers and the administration. So as to start and keep up a successful relationship, each organization must examination this approach distinctly; play out a careful investigation of the workplace and comprehend the progressions vital. This will go far to guarantee that wellbeing and security guideline turns out to be a piece of the institutional culture. For instance, the degree of insurance might be affected by the degree of the wellbeing hazard associated with playing out a given obligation. For our situation, the excavators need more wellbeing contrasted with ind ividuals working in the workplaces. Therefore, their defensive apparatus must compare to the sort of wounds expected in their profession. Also, individuals working in production lines are continually presented to substance spillages. Introduction to destructive synthetic substances can cause maladies over the long haul. In certain positions, some synthetic can be deadly after a brief time of presentation. First class security is fundamental to ensure the strength of individuals working in such condition (Murray, Davies, Rees, 2011). Usage of the Policy The cutting edge law break under this arrangement will be partitioned into two sets; that is, an extreme and hardheaded infringement of specified guidelines and carelessness to receive the strategy in sum. Before the approach could be conjured in an official courtroom for arraignment of organizations disregarding its (strategy) execution, it should be built up whether the workers are not given defensive hardware while dealing with the minerals and synthetics. In the event that the firm was ineffective to offer workers the vital hand assurance gloves when taking care of conceivably unsafe synthetic substances and minerals, along these lines, a reference can be made for break of OSHA commitment (Niu, 2010; Pingle, 2012). Presenting the workforce to risky synthetic compounds, all the more particularly, when taking care of destructive materials opens representatives to dangers which may bring about lethal wounds. This gives a reasonable ground for the reference. Insufficiently marking of deadly synthetic substances and faulty vitality guideline conventions set up will establish criminal offenses justifying the reference of the approach. Furthermore, if the workers are given a go head to deal with machines when they don't have simple capabilities to deal with such machines and gear, the strategy will be summoned. There are two examples when summonses should be possible. They are an infringement of the first infringement and the activity of a worker which may set up unmitigated unfortunate behavior, and an individual is obligated to deal with indictments. Rehashed and unshakable penetrate can be refered to secure the demonstration of universal displaying (Brauer, 2016). Any individual saw as liable will be at risk to confront most elevated jail discipline just as fines for outrageous offenses. The third course will generally depend on the aim that the most noticeably awful sentence for conscious and intermittent negations may prompt a higher punishment that surpasses grave penetrate. The inability to excuse will make it hard to accommodate with a discipline arrangement for legal common punishment for up to A$ 1,000, and every reference for penetrate is permitted by the laborer to continue. Disappointment by a worker to decay infringement under the decision of the commission permits the break r efered to withstand. The laborers failure to cling to the arrangements of the approach as set up with full information will likewise be considered dependable. A punishment will be demanded on them as a suggestion to utilize the apparatuses gave to the all occasions. The punishment will be as detainment for a half year or a fine not surpassing A$ 300. This will fill in as an exercise that it is a criminal offense to open oneself to compound perils with the point of looking for unlawful remuneration from the organization. The strategy won't extra the organization either. The most extreme punishment not surpassing A$206,000 will be demanded on mining organization, or processing plant saw as liable of different infringement of the Public Health Policy Occupational Safety in the Mining Industry and Factory Employees It is conceivable to utilize OSHA in the cases introduced in the mechanical courts. It is expressed that the court has the ability to recuperate common results indicated in this segment (Reissman et al., 2011). The thought is made on the capability the representative, the expected set of responsibilities, and assurance of the infringement of the of the businesses or laborers great confidence to the previous history of the penetrate. The businesses or laborers saw as blameworthy to have abused the arrangements of the strategy are given greatest sentences. By so doing, some other gatherings with comparative aims of breaking, bowing or dismissing the security of workers should reconsider before going down that street; along these lines shielding the wellbeing of the representatives. References Mudd, G. M. (2007). The maintainability of mining in Australia: key creation patterns and their ecological implications.Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University and Mineral Policy Institute, Melbourne. Murray, J., Davies, T., Rees, D. (2011). Word related lung sickness in the South African mining industry: research and strategy implementation.Journal of general wellbeing policy,32(1), S65-S79. Shandro, J. A., Veiga, M. M., Shoveller, J., Scoble, M., Koehoorn, M. (2011). Points of view on network medical problems and the mining boombust cycle.Resources Policy,36(2), 178-186. Li, Z., Ma, Z., van der Kuijp, T. J., Yuan, Z., Huang, L. (2014). A survey of soil substantial metal contamination from mines in China: contamination and wellbeing hazard assessment.Science of the Total Environment,468, 843-853. Baggott, R. (2010).Public wellbeing: strategy and governmental issues. Palgrave Macmillan. Pingle, S. (2012). Word related security and wellbeing in India: presently and the future.Industrial health,50(3), 167-171. Niu, S. (2010). Ergonomics and word related security and wellbeing: An ILO perspective.Applied ergonomics,41(6), 744-753. Brauer, R. L. (2016).Safety and wellbeing for engineers. John Wiley Sons. Reissman, D. B., Kowalski-Trakofler, K. M., Katz, C. L. (20

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Commentary or Analysis on Recent Economic Issues Essay

A Commentary or Analysis on Recent Economic Issues - Essay Example As the report proclaims the higher development in 2004 mirrors, that there has been aggregate advancement in monetary conditions with the exception of in the South Asian and Common Wealth Countries, where development eased back down, yet stayed at 6 and 7 percent. The development in greater part of the creating nations happened in the assembling, with ceaseless development in 2005. In the created nations the financial presentation stayed blended. North America development was solid, with moderate development in Japan, anyway pace stayed delayed in Europe, except for new EU individuals. This exposition focuses on that the world economy has eased back down because of various reasons, with essential explanation being the unexpected and un-anticipated stuns in 2004, for example, Tsunami in Asia and the most recent daze is the expansion in oil costs by 60 percent in initial ten months, in spite of the fact that it facilitated toward the finish of year. An a lot more noteworthy astonishment was the fluctuating conversion scale among distinction monetary forms with Euro and Yen increasing in value by 14 and 11 percent individually. Also, the last shock was the expansion in ware costs because of increment in oil costs, particularly in creating nations. Anyway the image of world economy isn't as ruddy as it appears in figure. One significant issue in today’s world economy is joblessness and the under business which is common in creating areas. Except if joblessness is decreased, it is difficult to diminish neediness. The East Asia, the quickest creating district is c onfronting the issue of un-work.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

State-by-state Divorce Laws and Legislation

State-by-state Divorce Laws and Legislation Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print Alienation of Affection State Laws By Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20+ years. She's the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Updated on June 25, 2019 Larry Dale Gordon/The Image Bank/Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Alienation of affection lawsuits is when an outsider interferes with a marriage. Defendants in these suits are often an adulterous spouses lover, but family members, counselors, therapists, and religious members who have encouraged a spouse to get a divorce have also been sued for these matters.   Alienation of Affection State Laws These claims are challenging to establish and involve many elements like proof of entailed love, alienation and destruction, malicious conduct, and more. Showing proof of extramarital sex is not required, however. Adultery is also considered a common law is known as criminal conversation.  This is an old expression for sexual intercourse that is often obsolete. Similar to a breach of promise, the  tort involves a broken engagement, alienation of affection, and a deserted spouse. This common law tort is abolished in several jurisdictions. In fact, only a few states in the United States still allow alienation of affection lawsuits. These states include Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Utah. A-L The legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit in many states like Alabama, California, Florida, and Idaho. Alabama: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Alaska: Neither state law nor case law addresses the issue of alienation of affection in Alaska.Arizona: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Arkansas: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.California: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Colorado: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Connecticut: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Delaware: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.District of Columbia: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Florida: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to br ing an alienation of affection lawsuit.Georgia: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Hawaii: Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought.Idaho: No, alienation of affection lawsuits were abolished through judicial decision.Illinois: Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought.Indiana: No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Iowa: No, alienation of affection lawsuits were abolished through judicial decision.Kansas:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Kentucky: No, alienation of affection lawsuits were abolished through judicial decision.Louisiana: In 1927, in the case of Moulin v. Monteleone, 165 La. 169, 115 So. 447, actions for alienation of affection were abolished. M-Q In 2003, Missouris highest court abolished the states alienation of affection lawsuit. States like Mississippi, New Mexico, and North Carolina still allow alienation of affection lawsuits to be brought about. Maine:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Maryland:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Massachusetts:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Michigan:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Minnesota:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Mississippi:  Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought.Missouri:  No, on June 17, 2003, Missouri’s highest court abolished the state’s alienation of affection law.Montana:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Nebraska:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Nevada:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.New Hampshire:  No. According to Title XLIII,  Chapter 460:2, No damages shall be allowed to either spouse in any action based on alienation of the affections of the other spouse.New Jersey:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.New Mexico:  Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought.New York:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.North Carolina:  Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought. Note: As of 10/01/2009, if the extramarital affair started after a married couple is separated, the alienation of affection law cannot be used.  NCGA.state.nc.us -- HB 1110North Dakota:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Ohio:  No, in 1985, alienation of affection suits were abolished by General Laws c. 207, Sect. 47B, inserted by St. 1985, c. 74 Sect. 1.Oklahoma:  No, legislati on was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Oregon:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Pennsylvania:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit. R-Z In 1997, Texas enacted the Family Code so that the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit was to be abolished. Lawsuits were also abolished through the judicial decision in states like South Carolina and Washington. Rhode Island:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.South Carolina:  No, alienation of affection lawsuits were abolished through judicial decision.South Dakota:  Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought.Tennessee:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Texas:  No, in 1997, Family Code, Chapter 1.107 was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Utah:  Yes, alienation of affection lawsuits can still be brought.Vermont:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Virginia:  No,  legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Washington:  No, alienation of affection lawsuits were abolished through judicial decision.West Virginia:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Wisconsin:  No, l egislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.Wyoming:  No, legislation was enacted to abolish the right to bring an alienation of affection lawsuit.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Construction Of The Roman Empire - 1415 Words

Motorways Thousands of years ago, the invention of the wheel gave the people the opportunity to complete their work easier, moving around the areas faster. The construction of the Roman Empire roads allowed people to reach the Roman dominion around Europe. Their first effort to create a road system was between 43AD and 400AD, when they conquered Britain in order to have better access to main financial centres. By creating road network, they tried to expand the potential market throughout the empire. The whole network was 3,000 kilometres in length, covered most of England, Wales and Southern Scotland [1]. After the departure of Romans from Britain and the fall of the Roman Empire, little effort was made for the improvement of the network system in Europe. Only at the first decades of the 18th century, due to the Industrial Revolution, there was an increased need for transport. At the first decades of the twentieth century, the demand for faster movement between cities and the increasing use of the automobile (from one third of million at the end of the First World War to over three millions at the end of the World War II) were the main reasons for the construction of different-type motorways around the world. Typical examples are AVUS in Berlin, the oldest controlled-access highway in Europe, in Italy in 1924 between Milan and Varese. Britain created the first motorway in 1958 [2, 3]. The design of motorways is a complicated process, included specific parameters andShow MoreRelatedRoman Roads1495 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Roman Roads: An Empire Connected LVV4U1 December 16, 2013 â€Å"Man has always moved along a road. It’s just what the road has looked like that’s changed over time† (Dan McNichol). 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Morally Commendable Behavior Personal Statement - 1057 Words

The incident that I will be describing here makes me feel proud in that I performed in at least two morally commendable ways. Firstly, I persisted in working to exonerate an innocent man. Secondly, I saved the face of my superior and refrained from humiliating him even though he was in the wrong and I in the right. In both instance, I did something uncomfortable to myself because I thought it was the correct and upright thing to do. This is my story: I, Robert B. Brown, am a *corporal in Division *. Approximately, a * week ago, I was summoned by * a colleague, J., who wanted information on a new recruit, SPC Pegg. J. had signed up P. for the Transportation BN HHC Company Battle Training Assembly (BTA) on March 7th and 8th, but I failed to find orders for him in the system. Strangely enough, P. had received an U (unexcused) for BTA weekend, and Jensen wanted to know why this was the case, particularly since absence of orders showed that the recruit had not received the necessary orders commanding him to appear. J., therefore. spoke to C., his *superior, and we managed to dig up the orders which showed that they had only been produced on 8th March. P., was, actually, then, innocent since his orders had come out on the day that he was supposed to be on duty; he had received his orders too late. The unfortunate man, in the meantime, was on probation for felony and under house arrest, but J. informed me that Clevenger would obliterate the U pending his talk with theShow MoreRelatedPersonal, Professional, and Ethical Belief System Essay2920 Words   |  12 PagesPersonal and Professional Ethical Belief System Farah Nail University of Phoenix In the human services field, personal ethical belief systems combined with professional ethics work in partnership to guide human service professionals in unraveling ethical dilemmas. An increasing number of professionals and clients seek out to define the fundamental policies of the human services field. Humans develop an integration of values, standards, and beliefs from birth throughout life. The values, standardsRead MoreThe Failures Of The Enron Scandal Essay2042 Words   |  9 Pageswilling to overlook unethical behavior in lieu of profits. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Albert Camus and “The Stranger” Free Essays

Albert Camus is a French writer and philosopher, Nobel Prize winner in 1957, an author who is usually referred as existentialist (although he rejected this), a   man who was called â€Å"Conscience of the West†. Camus was born in 1913 in Algeria in a family of a French settler and a Spanish woman. His father died during the First World War in 1914. We will write a custom essay sample on Albert Camus and â€Å"The Stranger† or any similar topic only for you Order Now Camus mother moved to the suburbs of Algiers where the family had to survive in poor living conditions. However in 1923 Camus was accepted into the lycà ©e and afterwards managed to gain entrance to the University of Algiers. At this time Camus became interested in football, yet tuberculosis has put an end to his hobby. During his studies Camus continued to experience material problems and so he had to take odd jobs like a clerk or a tutor. Those hardships still did not prevent purposive Camus to present his master thesis on Neo-Platonism in 1936. While in the University Camus joined the communist movements of various kinds and then the anarchist party. Camus wrote numerous publications on anarchism and founded a Worker’s Theater in 1935. Political publications cost him job in 1939. In 1940 he decided to join the French army to fight against the Nazi, but he failed due to tuberculosis. Camus did not die at war with the Germans as his father, and had to witness Nazi parades in Paris and the execution of Gabriel Pà ©ri – an event that crystallized Camus anti-German views. In 1942 he returned to Algeria where he stayed until the Allies returned to Paris. During the Was Camus joined a cell of Resistance movement and published and underground newspaper.   Anarchism remained in Camus mind for the rest of his life. He supported anarchists during Spanish civil war and later in the 50-s during anti-communist apprising in Germany, Poland and Hungary. In 1951 he published â€Å"The Rebel† – a philosophical analysis of rebellion which demonstrated his alienation from communism and resulted in breach of his friendship with Sartre, however, strengthened his friendship with George Orwell, with whom he opposed totalitarianism of both East and West. Together with Orwell and others he organized the European Federalist Movement in 1945 and welcomed the ideas of UN and European federation, which later failed as a result of domination of Churchill’s idea of European Union. At the time Camus became known as a dogmatic opponent of restrictions of freedom of any kind, and a principal antagonist of death penalty, which he castigated in â€Å"The Plague† and especially in â€Å"The Stranger†. Camus was also one of the first cultural activists who protested against nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as nuclear weapons themselves. Family life of Camus was not so stable, as his political opinions. In 1934 he married Simone Hie – a woman who was addicted to morphine, however, he soon divorced her as a result of infidelities of both. In 1940 he married for the second time. This time his wife was Francine Faure, talented pianist and mathematician. Love of Camus to Francine was so passionate that he even rejected his own anarchist views on marriage as unnatural institution. After marriage Camus had numerous affairs with other women, which he did not even try to hide. Still on September 5, 1945 Francine gave birth to twins Catherine and Jean. Camus life ended in a traffic accident on January 4, 1960 near Sens. France. His close friend and publisher Michel Gallimard drove the car and also perished. Camus grave in the Lourmarin Cemetery, Lourmarin, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Cà ´te d’Azur, France. The twin children of Camus still hold copyright on all of his works[1]. [1] O. Todd. Albert Camus: A Life. Da Capo Press; 1st Carroll Graf Ed edition. 2000. How to cite Albert Camus and â€Å"The Stranger†, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Poem Lifes A Beach Essays - Din Bahane, Navajo Mythology

Poem: Life's A Beach Lifes a Beach I turned off the car and took a deep breath. Looking slowly up into the pink sky, I began to watch the golden sun go to sleep. The beach seemed deserted, quiet, but peaceful. I opened my door and put my feet out on the soft sand. I started taking my shoes off, then my socks. I threw them in the passenger seat, and then shut the door. I looked out over horizon of the lake and started walking towards the still water. With each step I took, I could feel the warm sand crunch between my toes. Then suddenly, a sharp rock, but not sharp enough to break the skin. Closer and closer to the calm water, I began sinking deeper in the sand. It was comforting, the silence, tranquility, and warmth of the faint sun. There is a slight breeze, warm, but cold and lonely. I could smell the scent of fish blowing through my hair and body. The sun was still fading, slowly but surely the day was almost over. About half of it is gone now. I could see shades of blue, red, purple, and pinkish-yellow. They were mixed with puffy clouds that lined the beginning of the sky and the end of the water. I noticed the darker shades on the bottom of the lower clouds. I stopped walking and looked up at the faint stars. The seagulls were flying overhead. They were screeching and swooping at the water. I started to wish I were one of them, flying free without any restrictions or limits. I listened to their voice, the screech. Deep down in I could understand what they were saying. I cant explain it, but I was so in love with the moment I thought I saw things as they did. I was in company of animals that had no concept of time, and no worries, and I was contempt with that. I closed my eyes and the faint sun warmed my face, as if shining only for me. The warmth made me feel sad, because I had no one to share it with. It made me wonder if anyone else was doing this same exact thing as I was right then. When I opened my eyes, all the birds were gone except for one. The bird was like me. It didnt want to fly away; it wanted to stay there on that lonely beach and watch the sunset of a lifetime. No sound, just the wind blowing thunderously through my ears. And the waves crashing down on the wet sand. It made the hair on my arms stand up and I got a chill, but I didnt move. I took another deep breath and started walking towards where the water meets the sand. With each step I took, the sand got cooler and cooler. Then, with a final step, it turned cold. My feet were in the cold water and sand. It was sudden, wet, but soft. The dark blue water drew back in. Thrusting violently, crashing everywhere, the lake threw its cool brisk body into my dry legs, scaring the lone bird away with its unique destructive sound. The wind started to pick up a little. It was extra cold on the wet spots of my body. The water was as black as silence, with only a slight reflection of the sun. I could not tell the lake was there. The sun took the lake with it, to share with someone else. I stood there for a couple more seconds, and before I knew it, the sun was gone. The colors became more independent as the shadow of the sun lessened. Then, it was gone. Without trace, sound, or movement. It was strange to me: an energy source as abundant as the sun was just in my presence an energy source that heats a whole planet and a lonely beach had left without a trace. I looked up and saw a whole new world of beauty, as if the sun left the people of the night a gift until its return. The stars were bright and few. It was a little cloudy higher up. I could only

Friday, March 20, 2020

The natural resource base of a country is fundamental to any explanation of its level of national economic development Essays

The natural resource base of a country is fundamental to any explanation of its level of national economic development Essays The natural resource base of a country is fundamental to any explanation of its level of national economic development Essay The natural resource base of a country is fundamental to any explanation of its level of national economic development Essay Essay Topic: Fun Home In this essay I aim to show the true importance of natural resource to the economic growth of a country. I will be discussing Japans and Canadas economic situation as well as comparing it to Saudi Arabia in relation to the availability of natural resources. Indicators such as GNP per capita, Literacy rates, and the countries exports and imports will be studied to help suggest if a natural resource base is fundamental to national economic development of a county. Natural resources are a vital part in the development of the Worlds economy. There is lack of theory in terms of generalising about the relationship between resources and development. Japan is a good example. As explained Japan is a very rich economic country. Manufacturing is its strength but it has few natural resources. The countries successful economy is based on the export of high quality consumer goods developed with the latest technologies for example Toyota, Sony, Fujifilm and Panasonic are famous across the globe. One common pattern is for Japanese companies to import raw materials and then process them to make finished products, which are sold domestically or exported. In an often cited statement 1 (e.g. Cairns, 1994, p 782) Erich Zimmerman wrote resources are not; they become. Meaning that natural resources have no value until labour and capital is applied. Japan has one of the largest export based economies. Japan is 5th in the world for largest export of goods 2 $538.8 b illion (2004 est). In reference to table 1 it can be seen that machinery is Japans biggest export. Japan relies heavily on other countries for resources. Japans main agricultural product is rice, and most rice eaten in Japan is home-grown. Since Japan has little arable land compared to its population, it cannot grow enough wheat, soybeans, or other major crops to feed all its citizens. In fact, Japan has one of the lowest rates of food self-sufficiency of all industrialized countries. 5 Only 15% of Japans land is suitable for cultivation. This means it has to import a high percentage of its food from abroad. Japan is the largest market for US exports. Japan has had to build its enormous industrial output and high standard of living on a very low natural resource base. Industry, the most important sector of the economy, is heavily dependent on imported raw materials and fuels. Mostly in terms of fossil fuels, particularly oil. It imports 90% of its oil. Due to the fact that In Japan they supply less that 1% of countries demand. Japan has more oil refining than oil production, and more oil consumption than oil refining. Looking at Table 2 it is notable that Japan is also very short on metal and mineral resources. With Machinery and Mineral fuels being one of the major imports. Japans imports of goods is to the value of $401.8 billion. Meaning Japan is making money from developing the imported primary material then processing these resources to export the manufactured goods. Despite Japan having a very poor resource base it is the 3rd largest economy in the world after USA and China. It has huge amounts of economic power, and its average income levels and standard of living are among the highest in the world.6 Japan GNP per Capita is $29,400 (2004 est.) 99% of the population are literate. 7For 3 decades economic growth has been spectacular 10% average in 1960s, 5% in the 70s and in 1980 4% growth. It is world leading in high technology, industry and has a strong work ethic. Industry is the most important sector of economy. Only 6% of the labour force engage in agriculture while 70% of the labour force, are in the service sector. Japan is among worlds largest and technologically advanced producers of motor vehicles, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel and nonferrous metals, ships, chemicals, textiles, processed foods. Japan is a prime example of that a natural resource base is not fundamental to a countrys development. Its the ability to use and convert these natural resources for example iron ore into steal. 8Blessed with natural resources. From another perspective, the theory of development says that natural resource base is positive in the terms of the benefits for a country. For example Canada has a rich natural resource base. Its an extremely affluent, high tech industrial society with high standards of living. When looking at indicators Canada can be seen as a well developed country. GNP per capita is at an impressive $31,500. This ranks above Japan. The literacy rate for the population is 98%. 9 It has been said that the countrys high income and high standard of living is that its export of natural resource financed the growth and diversification of its national economy in a very beneficial way (Sheppard Barnes). Iron ore, nickel, and zinc, copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, potash, diamonds, silver, fish, timber, wildlife, coal, petroleum, natural gas and hydropower are the main resources. These natural resources along with skilled labour and capital help to secure solid economical prospects. However Canada does not just export these primary resources, it uses them to produce manufactured goods such as; motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft, telecommunications equipment, chemicals and fertilizers along with its natural resources such as timber.10Canada has a large amount of exports $315.6 billion. It is Ranked 10th in the world.It imports $256.1 billion. Canada mainly imports machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, crude oil and chemicals.11 Canada gains more capita from exporting than importing this is why it is an economically developed country with a GDP of $31,500- exports counting approximately for one third of this. Its exporting of natural resources and manufactured goods, has created a high level of economic development within Canada. This helps show that a good natural resource base is important to economic growth. It has been assumed that possessing natural resources benefits a country. However, experience has shown that for most developing countries possessing natural resources has not made them economically strong. Nowhere, is this more obvious than in the oil industry.12 This trend has been identified the resource curse by Richard Auty (1995). For example Saudi Arabia is the largest exporter of oil in the world. It holds 25% of the worlds oil reserves. It makes more money from exporting petroleum and petroleum products than importing machinery, textiles, foodstuffs, motor vehicles and chemicals, 13its GDP is only $12 000- 40% of this and 90% of its oil earnings. 14Saudi Arabia holds a huge dependence on oil. In the past the demand for oil slowed and pulled oil prices down by more than a 1/3 causing Saudi Arabia economic uncertainty. In comparison although Saudi Arabia has this natural resource base, it fails to develop. Countries like the USA and Canada use technology and capital to exploit the natural resources to produce manufactured goods. Then use trade and exchange to create a profit. It does not use natural resources alone. As stated before this is shown from Canada GNP per capita of $31,500 which is relatively high in comparison to Saudi Arabia with a GNP per capita of $12,000 who just uses solely depends on its exports of oil. Japan a country with resource deficiency has GNP per capita of $29,400 because it gains access through trade and exchange. This shows that economic resource base is not always fundamental to a countries development. In conclusion it can be seen from the countries of Canada, Japan and Saudi Arabia that a natural resource base is not always fundamental to the countrys level of economic development. One of the key issues that have been identified is that it is the access to natural resources through trade and exchange that is important. The use of technology, labour and capital thereafter produces manufactured goods that can then be exported resulting in strong economic growth. Depending on a natural resource alone is not enough to sustain economic development. Sheppard and Barnes (2003) help to summarise to a certain degree that natural resource base is not always fundamental to a countrys level of economic growth 15 It appears that the location of resource deposits is almost irrelevant to where geographically those resources will be used. Not natural resources alone that facilitate growth its right technology, the right culture, and the right markets.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

When Most is Enough

When Most is Enough When Most is Enough When Most is Enough By Maeve Maddox It must be one of those in your face gestures of defiance. It cant be that they dont know better. Im referring to the way so many bloggers create headlines that place a most in front of an adjective that already has the superlative -est suffix: The internets Most Rudest and Obnoxious people Mumbai, India is the MOST RUDEST city in the world The Seven Most Awesomest Idol Moments This Season A Gawker Guide to the Most Awesomest Election Ever Sometimes least is used instead of most in order to compare in the opposite direction: 100 Least Awesomest Things ever Then there are the online novels: at that very moment the most awfullest, most terriblest, most unpleasantest thing imaginable happened! Such pervasive examples of incorrect usage cant be much help to readers for whom English is not the first language. English adjectives form their comparative/superlative forms in one of two ways: 1. by adding the suffixes -er and -est: dark/darker/darkest; simple/simpler/simplest; mean/meaner/meanest 2. by using the words more and most in front of the basic adjective: pleasant/more pleasant/most pleasant awesome/more awesome/most awesome I wont go into the various rules based on number of syllables and stressed or unstressed vowels. Its probably enough to know that adjectives that are short and/or easy to say, form their comparatives with -er and -est. Polysyllabic adjectives that sound clumsy with those endings form their comparatives with more and most. Sometimes the choice is a matter of individual preference. For example, one speaker may prefer handsome/more handsome/most handsome while another likes the sound of handsome/handsomer/handsomest. When in doubt, go with the more/most construction. Most awesomest is not an option for the writer who desires to write standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesTaser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Quiet or Quite?

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Meaning of a single word Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meaning of a single word - Essay Example Looking deep into the roots of a word can tell us about other words it was derived from, and a little know how of how foreign languages have influenced English. And finally the usage of a word tells us about how it should be used in a sentence. Many times people know the correct meaning of a word but they are confused about how to use it and they end up not using it at all. The correct usage while keeping in mind the sentence structure, subject verb agreement, and the placement of prepositions is essential in using any word in a sentence or a paragraph. All of these aspects are discussed below so that the meaning of the given word is clear and no difficulty is faced in its usage in any context. A lantern is a transparent protective covering, usually portable and used for carrying or holding a light. It is used to protect the light from wind and weather. It often has translucent openings so that the light could pass clearly. Lanterns emit out light in an expanded way and they also have handles in their framework. The top room of a lighthouse which contains a lamp or any other source of light can also be referred to as a lantern as it gives out light and illuminates the structure and the area. Similarly, the top most structure of a building which is either open or windowed from all sides to admit light or ventilate the entire interior building. It is always good to know a few synonyms of the words we are using in a text, because synonyms help in building the vocabulary. They also lighten up the text and urge the reader to read more. Every word has several synonyms in the least as they can have more than one meaning. The word lantern has many synonyms as well but they are all referred more or less to a source of light. One of the synonyms of lantern is beacon. A beacon is a light which is used as a signal or a guide. One of the meanings

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Problem Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problem Identification - Essay Example Shortage of health care professionals in hospitals is currently one of the greatest challenges for Hallways hospital management. Hallways hospital has been experiencing the challenge of shortage of nurses for a while now, and the implications seem to be affecting the organization severely. The main contributing factor towards the shortage of nurses in Hallways hospital has been the poor remuneration for the nurses. Despite having many tasks to perform in terms of providing services to patients, the nurses never get proper remuneration that is equal to the effort they put in their work. With the poor remuneration, a majority of students joining collages prefer to pursue other courses that they believe offer better pay than the health care sector . The shortage of health care professionals in the hospital occurs, despite the health care industry growing at the rate of 2.5% faster than other industries annually (Cowen and Moorhead, 2011). The shortage of health care professionals has had severe implications for the hospital. First, with the few numbers of nurses, there is the aspect of overworking the nurses, making them fatigued. This has in turn contributed to poor service delivery to patients, which has in turn affected the hospital’s reputation (Buerhaus, Straiger and Auerbach, 2009). Secondly, considering that, the shortage of nurses is a problem that cuts across the health care industry, acquiring of the nurses has become a very complicated issue. Acquisition of nurses requires that one is able to offer appropriate remuneration and better working environment with better incentives. Majority of health care professionals require continuous training in order to enable them enhance their skills and knowledge pertaining to the provision of better and most effective health care services (Huston, 2009). This requires that anyone employing the health care professionals provide

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Introduction What is globalization? Globalisation is the integration of cultures and economies across geographical boarders. Globalisation has made trade and communication possible throughout the world in the shortest possible time. Compare and contrast the main features of globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The difference in globalisation in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries are:- While free trade was imposed on the rest of the world markets in third world countries were opened simply because they were not independent nations. Direct foreign investments increased rapidly during 1870 to 1913. The first half of the nineteenth century saw free trade being practiced only by Britain. However, in the twentieth century government debt became tradable in the global market for financial assets. The similarities in globalization in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries are:- In the nineteenth century international trade was attributed to trade liberalization, direct foreign investment increased rapidly during the nineteenth century. Lending at international bank was also substantial. The late nineteenth and early twentieth century witnessed a significant integration of international markets to provide a channel for portfolio investment flows. The cross-national ownership of securities including government bonds reached very high levels during this period. Also in the twentieth century there was an increase in the degree of openness in most countries, in international trade, investment and finance. While the second half of the twentieth century witnessed a phenomenal expansion in international trade flows. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/deglobalisation-what-is-it-and-why-britain-should-be-scared-1521674.html (accessed 01 November 2010 6:23 a.m.) What is deglobalisation? Deglobalisation is the disintegrations of the economies of the world to their individual status where they do not engage in trade, imports and exports with other countries. To what extent has the 2008 crisis and recession brought about deglobalisation? Globalisation brought with it free trade of goods and services between countries and boarders. Many persons left their countries of birth to migrate to other countries in search of a better life, nurses from as far as Trinidad were and still are being employed in England and America. Persons from anywhere in the world can go to America and enjoy a doubles which is a Caribbean (East Indian) delicacy. The debate on globalization continue as people try to make sure that the benefits of global trade outweigh the costs for all countries. However, with the recession of 2008 many developed and developing nations have felt the impact of the recession specifically in Europe and the United States. Recession is caused by inflation, where to much money is chasing to little goods. In Ireland, many home owners took out a second mortgage to purchase second homes. Regretably many of home owners were unable to repay these loan and the banks took control of thes properties. In many instances these homes were sold for less than the homeowner was owing to the financial institution. Many persons who migrated to these countries in search of a better standard of living and employment opportunities are now leaving these countries and returning to their country of birth. This is as a result of an increase of unemployment due to many companies being unable to pay its workforce and meet its overhead expenditures. Though economies of the world are experiencing economic recession, globalisation have to a large extent allowed many countries to survive since countries can still trade their goods and services with other countries with the hope of rebuilding their economies. To what extent do the positive aspects of globalisation outweigh its negative effects? According to Deepak Nayyar globalization is the expansion of economic transactions and the organisation of economic activities across the political boundaries of nation states. Globalisation is associated with increasing economic openness, growing economic independence and deepening economic integration in the world economy. Globalisation has allowed persons from all economic brackets to be exposed to what the world has to offer in terms of goods and services. Negative effects of globalization are:- Nayyar however, stated persons who cannot afford to purchase these goods and services are left frustration or alienation which can lead to increase in crime, violence and drugs. Some seek refuge in ethnic identities, cultural chauvinism. For example, in Trinidad and Tobago whenever an international performer is coming in there is usually a high incidents of robberies since persons who cannot afford to attend these show robs others in an attempt to do so. Globalisation have also resulted in a widening in the gap between the rich and the poor in the worlds population, as also between the rich and poor people within countries has widened. Income distribution within countries also worsened with globalization and income inequality increased. The incidence of poverty increased in most countries of Latin America, the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa during the 1980s and the 1990s. Nayyar further went on to state that much of Eastern Europe and Central Asia experiences a sharp rise in poverty during the 1990s. Unemployment in the industrialised countries has increased substantially since the early 1970s and remained at high levels since then. Due to trade liberalisation there has been an increase in wage inequality between skilled and unskilled workers since the labour market being liberalised has also become highly competitive. An example many skilled construction workers from other caribbean countries and also China are being used locally in Trinidad in the construction section since there has been in short of this expertise in this area locally. M. Panic stated in the article negative issues with support what Nayyar also stated in his article the evidence of which are as follows:- Does Europe need neoliberal reforms? the extremely objectionable nature of the unregulated, free market version of the system was demonstrated globally in the 1930s with devastating consequences: its inherent tendency to prolonged and costly crises (the Great Depression, mass unemployment), social deprivation and division (extreme poverty for the many in the mass unemployment), social deprivation and division (extreme poverty for the many in the midst of great wealth for the few)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ German economic growth and levels of unemployment, for so long among the most impressive in the industrialized world, were only slightly better. Again, empirical evidence in support of the neoliberal claim that unemployment in Germany was caused by over-regulation was found to be extremely weak (Fuchs and Schettkat, 2000, p. 238) Conclusion While, many world trade and export-led growth strategies are collapsing, surplus countries face big obstacles in expanding domestic demand, and many emerging market economies are in deep trouble. World trade is collapsing much faster than expected-and much faster than predicted on the basis of the past example of this can be seen in the United States and Europe specifically Ireland where many homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages. Globalisation have also resulted in the devaluation of the US dollar which is a direct impact of the recession that the country is presently facing. For any nation to be imbalance globally can only work to this country and its population disadvantage since the negative impacts are not only economic but also far reaching social issues. Therefore based on the information listed above I can conclude that the negative effects far outweigh the positive. APPENDIX A C:Documents and SettingsRAVidaleDesktopWorld trade volume rose in August after a dip in July; Eurozone only advanced market to see export growth; World industrial production also grew_filesWorld-trade-oct262010.jpg

Friday, January 17, 2020

Twelve Angry Men Exposes the Weaknesses of the Jury System as Well as Its Strengths

Twelve Angry Men exposes the weaknesses of the jury system as well as its strengths – The Jurors within Twelve Angry Men portray individual aspects of a 1950s American culture, all with their own take on the American Jury system. The closed minded, sheep like attitudes of the Jurors illustrates the McCathic mentality of the public which directly reflects the weaknesses within the American Jury system. Though flawed in many aspects one juror displays the key strength in the American justice system when dealing with serious crimes, a unanimous vote must be accomplished through the consideration of reasonable doubt. The question remains throughout if Juror 8 had not been present would the verdict of been the same? Would reasonable doubt of been taken into consideration? And was the American justice system strong enough to uphold their value of innocent until proven guilty. Throughout the play there are many references to the judicial concept of â€Å"reasonable doubt†. This theme is a thread that runs its way through all the deliberations and eventually exposes the weakness of the whole system as well. Reasonable doubt can be a very difficult term to understand. If a jury has any reasonable doubt that the accused may not have committed the crime, then it must enter a not guilty verdict. Each person has their own opinion of the term reasonable doubt and therefore there is much contrast found across the jury room exposing the weak point in the American judicial system. None of the jurors believe they were cheating the accused out of a fair trial or had any initial doubt in their minds that he was guilty and yet as the case is further picked apart each juror finds a point of clarity in the unravelling of evidence and a better understanding of the term reasonable doubt. A juror’s individuality is a clear fault in the American jury system as the truth or the facts are never the same in the mind of another. With individuality also come strengths. If it had not been for juror 8# the accused would of surely of been found guilty, as the intellect of one courageous man slowly turned the verdict around. With a string of evidence that 8# slowly brings forward such as the replica murder weapon and the re-enactment of the neighbours shuffle to the front door to become an eye witness to the killers escape each juror sheds a different light on the events. After gaining the trust of one elder the others follow ‘it’s not easy to stand along’ and yet juror 8# shows the view of the minority in his refusal to be intimidated with the majorities McCathic method and the subtle backing of a wise old man, together shows the strength that one can have on the judicial system and the outcome of a very serious case. It is clearly evident the polarisation enforced within the judicial system as a result of naivety and ignorance of a typical jurors regarding legal concern exposing with it underlying weakness. In relation to the plays characters it is clear that personal bias is seeping into the grounds of which the case is built on creating instabilities regarding plausibility. Such opinions are depicted by juror 3 and his personal inclusion of his own son into the decision making process creating prejudice that all of â€Å"these kids† are of the same substance. If it was not for the brave actions of juror 8 in standing up and pointing out â€Å"he is not your son† then a verdict would have been reached based on the jurors own personal conflicts expressing with it an underlying weakness of the American jury system and community perspective. There are many individual aspects that add to the pros and cons of the 1950s American jury system. These are shown subtly through 12 angry men’s contrasting personalities and the process in which t they come to their decision.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Speech Processing Using Mel Frequency Cepstral...

Speaker reognition using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients(MFCC) Abstract Speech processing has emerged as one of the most important application area of digital signal processing. Various fields for research in speech processing are speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech analysis, speech synthesis, speech coding etc. The objective of automatic speaker recognition is to extract, characterize the discriminant features and recognize the information about speaker identity. In this paper we present a voice recognition system based on Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and vector Quantization (VQ). This technique has an advantage that it creates fingerprint of human voice by exploiting human acoustic system and cepstral analysis. MFCC is widely accepted as a baseline for voice recognition due to these unique features. KeywordsMFCC, Vector Quantization, Speaker recognition, Feature extraction, Fast Fourier Transform Introduction Human speech is the most natural form of communication and conveys both meaning and identity. The identity of a speaker can be determined from the information contained in the speech signal through speaker identiï ¬ cation. Speaker identiï ¬ cation is concerned with identifying unknown speakers from a database of speaker models previously enrolled in the system. Speaker (voice) identification has varied applications ranging from opening doors to security systems. Speech processing is widely divided into 5 differentShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis : Biometrics Biometric Fingerprint And Voice Recognition, Authentication, And Authentication1639 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract— Biometrics is the technique of using exclusive, non moveable, physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, to earn entry for personal identification. Since After the invention of the exclusive technology it has been being used in safety systems and authentication. Presently, security fields have three different types of authentication, they are: Something we know: a password, PIN, or piece of personal information something we have: a card key, smart card, or token and something we are:Read MoreCognitive Signal Processing : Feature Estimation1955 Words   |  8 PagesBehavioural Signal Processing: Feature Estimation in Speech Abstract Human behaviour interrelates closely with the human beings’ mental state. The behavioural information reflects communication, social interaction and even personality. To build a bridge to the human mind over engineering advances, an operational method, Behavioural Signal Processing (BSP) technology, has been introduced, which aims to analyse speech-based human behaviour. The main task of this project is the feature estimationRead MoreClassifiers For Emotional Speech Recognition1670 Words   |  7 PagesComparative Study on Support Vector Machines Classifiers for Emotional Speech Recognition Jimmy Dani Abstract—Recently, increasing attention has been directed to the study of the emotional content of speech signals, and hence, many systems have been pro- posed to identify the emotional content of a spoken utterance. There are various important aspects of emotion recognition using speech. The first one is the choice of suitable features for speech representation. The second issue is the design of an appropriateRead MoreSample Extraction Technique Is Necessary For Various Other Form Of The Latest Speech And Speaker Recognition System Essay1986 Words   |  8 PagesMel cepstral feature extraction technique is required in some or the other form in most of the latest speech and speaker recognition system. Here, first samples of speech are splitted into overlapping frames. Generally the length of frame is 25 ms and frame rate is 10 ms. Each and every frames are refined by pre-emphasis filter which amplifies higher frequencies. Next is to apply windowing so that Fourier spectrum for each windowing frame is achieved here Hamming window is used. To obtain vectorRead MoreSurvey On Sentiment Analysis And Opinion Mining2689 Words   |  11 Pages2002. Since SA is still in its nascent stage there are many open problems which constitute research areas in this field. E.g. many existing systems fail to detect sarcasm or irony. Word sense disambiguation is another challenging Natural Language Processing (NLP) problem which also exists in SA. Multimodal Sentiment Analysis is an emerging research area. Multimodal Sentiment Analysis refers to the combined use of two or more input modes to improve the performance of the analysis e.g. the combined